History of Siddhars and IMI - Part 6

[continuation from the previous post] 15) Two and a half centuries back Siddhar Ealanampattiyaar, the hereditary heir to Siddhar Karu Ooraar, founded the 'Indhu Renaissance Movement'. He founded IMI with the aim of declaring to the world that Siddha Philosophy was borne not for the Tamils or India alone, but it was for the entire world. He used the word 'Indhu' instead of 'Indhu Religion'. He has established the explanation for this in theory as well as in practice. He worked hard to bring out the achievements of Siddhars and take them to the Society without any religious fanaticism. That is why, Siddhar Ealanampattiyaar did not form congregations or separate temples or Religious Institutions. Instead He sowed the ... Read more

Great Facts of Indhu Religion

Indhu Religion in its simplest sense is the 'Worship of Fore-fathers'. The idols of Indhu Religion are the reflection of the Divinators who lived in the past. Many hands, heads and queer forms of Idols are symbolic representation of the capabilities of the respective Divinators. (For example, sixteen hands with different weapons informs that the Divinator had the mastery over that many weapon-based arts during his life-time.) Indhu Religion aids in acquiring the Divine Atoms and Divine power from Celestial space through the worship of numerous Temples and through plethora of worshipping procedures. Indhu Religion alone permits any individual to worship according to his or her desires. This is because everything is the ... Read more