Karuwooraar of the Big Temple of Thanjavur

A short note on Siddhar KaruOoraar who built the Tanjore Big Temple

The statue which is right behind the big tower of Big Temple is the statue of the Siddhar Karu Ooraar who was the chief architect and sculptor of the Tanjore Big Temple. His period was 785 CE to 1040 CE. He was the 11th Gnaanaachchaariyaar and the Gurupeedam of the True Indhuism of Tamils.

He constructed the Big Temple mainly to remedy and compensate for the downfall of Tamil Language. This Tamil Language is the ruling language of the True Indhuism given by Pathinensiddhars. Apart from Thanjavur Big Temple he constructed a few small and big temples. He also renovated many old temples.

Siddhar KaruOoraar also wrote numerous literature which remain as the working force behind these temples. He was the main force behind the compilations of 11 Thirumurais and Naalaayira Thivviya Pirapandham. In all His writings He has mentioned clearly that the Tamils are the direct heirs to the Divine World and the Tamils are the protecting force of the Divine World.

During His period He founded with great efforts Indhu Divine Kingdom to protect the Indhu Vedham and the Indhu Religion. To develop this Kingdom He also founded a religious movement by Indhu Renaissance Movement (Indhu Marumalarchy Iyakkam I.M.I.). Through this movement He rejuvenated the individual life and the family life of the Tamils.

Since He functioned as a great literarian, socialist and divinator, He was able to function as a great politician. In the 8th century He has built the Indhu Divine Kingdom and made a Tamil King rule the Tamil Race in Tamil Nadu. Through His life He enthroned successively nine Tamil Kings. The Kingdom reached a culmination in the period of the ninth King who was the King RajaRaja Chola. Yet He could not develop the Thanjavur Big temple along His own plans and schemes.

This is because the King and his subordinates did not accept KaruOoraar’s view of performing the religious services of Thanjavur Big Temple in Tamil Language. In addition to that the King did not permit the disciples of Siddhar KaruOoraar to perform the religious services of the Big Temple and other Temples in Tamilnadu. This means the Tamil King did not allow the Tamils to function inside the Temples’ Sanctum Sanctorums.

When He could not find success in His mission, Siddhar KaruOoraar settled down in the underground cellar in the Big Temple itself. His son Karuvur Thevar and His grandson Thirumaalikai Thevar continued the unfinished task of Siddhar KaruOoraar and gave a completion to them.

Siddhar KaruOoraar had given an order that His name should not be mentioned in any inscription or government documents. That is why we could not see His name mentioned anywhere in the history nor we could get any historic evidence about Him.

After the 11th Gnaanaachchaariyaar the 12th Gnaanaachaariyaar started functioning in line with His predecessors. He worked in order to bring into action the policy, principles and action plans of the 10th and 11th Gnaanaachaariyaars.

Author: editor

Editor of the Indhuism.org Publication.