Siddhar Ramayanam

(Compiled from the divine speeches of His Holiness Gnaanaachaariyaar, the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedam.)

Indhu Religion has been beautified and explained by the two major epics namely Raamaayanam and Mahabharatham. But the modern day literature on these two epics can be rendered useful only by the actual historical notes maintained by the heirs of the Pathinensiddhars, Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathis and the 48 types of Siddhars. The entire Indian sub-continent is learning about the Raamaayanam through the works of Thulasidasar, Bothaayanar, Vaathanaaraayanar, Kambar, Pulavar Kuzhanthai, etc. And these works were all based on the Vaalmiki Raamaayanam only.

All these Raamaayanam compilations have got a style based on story-telling approach and contain a lot of imaginations. But all these compilations including Vaalmiki Raamaayanam were written based on Sixty different books maintained by the Pathinensiddhars. They are ‘Iraamaayanam’, ‘Iraama Kaathai’, ‘Iraavana Kaathai’, ‘Iraavanan Neethi’, ‘Seethai Neethi’, ‘Sanakar Aram’, 'Thasarathan Aram', ‘Vandamar Kuzhali Pulambal’ ... in Tamil language. Based on these Tamil books only many poets and writers of later days wrote the Raamaayanam as stories, poems and epics.

  1. The First Yugam happened in the Kumari Continent (Lost Lemuria Continent). The Iraamaayanam was a historic event that took place on the banks of Ganges towards the last part of the Second Yugam.

  2. According to a saying ‘Truth can be bitter sometimes’. In the same way, the facts given by the Yagnavalli in his Raamaayanam on Seethai, Vandamar Kuzhali, Raaman, Kaikeyi, ... are bitter and may appear to be unacceptable. Yet a few points are given here from Yagnavalli's Siddhar Raamaayanam.

  3. Vandamar Kuzhali, the wife of Iraavanan, was daughter of Devendiran. The name given to her at the time of birth by Devendiran was ‘Amutha Mozhi’. But she got the special name ‘Vandamar Kuzhali’ later because a lot of beetles would be buzzing around her hair due to the pleasant aroma of her hair. (Vandu = Beetle, Kuzhal = Hair in Tamil)

  4. Yagnavalli's Siddhar Raamaayanam explains very clearly the great fact that Seethai was the daughter of Iraavanan. There are descriptions of many events and conversations in the Siddhar Raamaayanam to explain this fact. Particularly one conversation between Iraavanan and his teacher (Guru) Yagnavalli before the event of Seetha's suyamvaram gives a detailed explanation of this fact.

  5. After the suyamvaram, the marriage between Iraaman and Seethai took place. Iraaman returned to Ayothi alongwith Seethai. On the way, Parasuramar was calling for a war with Iraaman as Parasuramar had taken a vow to kill all the Kings and heirs. Knowing this, Iravanan got ready for war in order to protect his son-in-law and his daughter. At that time, Yagnavalli asked Iravanan why he did not declare that Seethai was his daugher only. For this question, Iravanan replied that he would declare openly after his daugher Seethai begot a child. We learn this information from Yagnavalli's Iraamaayanam.

  6. Seethai and Iraaman were leading the family life at the palace of Ayothi. Kaikeyi, the step-mother of Iraaman found out from the physical features that Seethai belonged to Arakkar family line. As Seethai was not belonging to the King's family line, Kaikeyi did not want the child of Seethai to rule the Ayothi kingdom. So, out of this fear Kaikeyi sent Iraaman and Seethai for fourteen years to the forest and ordered them to lead austere life. She extracted the relevant promises from Seethai and Iraaman on this pretext. This information was mentioned by Yagnavalli in his Iraamaayanam.

  7. Yagnavalli had mentioned in his Iraamayanam that he went often to see Seethai at Asoka Vanam in Ilangai (Lankapuri). In that he notes down that Seethai was very happy there at Asoka Vanam. According to his notes, Seethai was happier at Asoka vanam than when she lived at Sanakapuri (Janakapuri) before marriage and Ayothi where she lived after marriage. Further Yagnavalli mentions that Seethai was sometimes sad like the crops during summer sunshine; and at other times she was happier like the crops after receiving the monsoon rains; this was due to the affection shown by her father and relatives when she was at Asoka Vanam.

  8. Iraaman (Rama) was a Tamilian! Iraavanan (Ravana) was also a Tamilian. The history of Iraaman gives a detailed account of the great war between Iraaman and Iraavanan. Iraaman was a successor in the hereditary line of Siddhar Kaakkaiyar whose kingdom existed on the banks of River Ganges in the present day North India. Iraavanan was a king who ruled the Ilangai (Lankapuri) that was very beautiful and the only remaining part of the Lost Lemuria Continent. This war took place during the second Yugam namely Theeran Yugam (Thirethaka Yugam).

(Translated from the article printed in the book ‘Indhu Aaranam’ dated 7-4-1993. The original article in Tamil can be read at

Author: editor

Editor of the Publication.