Tanjore Big Temple - Part 1

Siddhar Karuwooraar who built the Thanjavur Big Temple Of all the Temples of Indhu Religion, the Thanjavur Big Temple alone has the longest historical background in this Indian sub-continent. This temple was built as a great revolutionary temple in architecture, temple science as well as Divine field. Particularly, this temple was built as one of the two novel temples in the fourth Yugam of Kaliyan Yugam in order to compensate for the losses and damages that happened to the Indhu Religion which is the Siddha Philosophy given by Pathinensiddhars in Tamil. Of the two temples that were built using a revolutionary and newer divine technology, one was Karur Pasupatheesuvarar Temple and the other one was this Thanjavur Big ... Read more

Introduction to Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar

Introduction to His Holiness the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi The Uprise of Indhu Religion is the India's Empowerment! India's Empowerment is the True welfare of the mankind! The True Indhuism is the Siddha Philosophy or the Saivism of Tamils. This True Indhuism is existing only in the Divine Tamil Language. This True Indhuism is the mother of all the religions of this world. This True Indhuism is the mother, base, treasure-house and nursery bed of the religious field itself. If the truths about this True Indhuism are understood first by the Tamils and then the entire India then all the conflicts, fights, dominations, confusions, unrest, ... will go away from the entire world. For this purpose only, the ... Read more