Deepavali - Meaning and Significance

Meaning and Significance of Deepavali Thee + Aavali => Theevaali => Theepa + Aavali => Theepaavali => Deepavali. Firstly, this earth is not a lonely inhabitated planet in the cosmic space. In fact, this earth is the newest of all the inhabited planets in the universe. After this earth got separated from the Sun, the earth slowly cooled down to the climatic conditions that could sustain growth of organisms. During this period, the pioneers came to this earth from other planets in the Universe. There were precisely 18 such pioneers who came to this earth and hence they were known as Pathinen Siddhars (18 Siddhars or 18 Masters.) These 18 Siddhars came to this earth alongwith their inter-cosmic assitants ... Read more

Deepavali - Holy Day of Tamils!

Thee Awali Festival (Deepavali) Deepavali - History: This Festival has been celebrated right from the beginning of social life of Human beings on this earth. Deepavali is not due to the killing of Narakasuran during Bharatha Period. The killing of Narakasuran took place on Deepavali day by chance. So, it is a wrong notion to say that Deepavali is celebrated due to the killing of Narakasura. In much the same way, Jains celebrate this day because the 27th Thirthangara, Mahavira, who founded Jain Religion achieved Nirvana on this same Deepavali day. In the same way, historically many incidents took place on this Holy Deepavali Day. So, the celebration of Deepavali day denotes the successful transformation from animal ... Read more

Religion versus Science - Part 2

A few questions from Science and the answers given by Religion to those questions are given below: Q1: Science: "Religion talks only about things that are not visible at all." A1: Religion: "Electricity and magnetism are not also visible." Q2: Science: "The benefits of electricity and magnetic forces are experienced and understood by people." A2: Religion: "The divine forces explained by religion are also experienced by people." Q3: Science: "Why all could not experience the forces of religion?". A3: Religion: "One end of a metal rod kept on fire becomes hot on the other end. But wood does not become hot like metal. Similary a few among the human beings could sense the divine forces; while others could not." ... Read more