Indhuism-Hinduism Differences

Differences between Induism and Hinduism. (Induism is NOT Hinduism) The list given below clearly shows the differences between the presently known Hinduism and the True Induism. Tamil's Indhu Religion versus Brahmin's Hindu Religion Induism: Born in the Lost Lemuria Continent called as 'Kumari Kandam' in Tamil. Hinduism: Created by North Aryans known as Brahmins (meaning, Foreigners to Induism's India) after they settled in today's Ganges Plains. Induism has been a living religion for the past four Yugas. Hinduism was born after 2000 years from the start of the fourth Yugam known as Kaliyan Yugam. A very recent religion. Indhuism is as old as 43,73,124 years as of 2023 CE. Hinduism is just 3000 years old. Indhuism ... Read more

Pseudo Hinduism

Induism is NOT Hinduism Origin of Hinduism: Pathinen Siddhars have given the historical facts about the origins of various religions on this earth. In their literature named as Guru Paarampariyam (The Religious History), they have mentioned about how Hinduism came into existence in India. After the 9th Pathinen Siddhar Peedaathipathi His Holiness Vaigai Aatrangarai Karuwooraar(8956 B.C - 8848 B.C) , the so-called Aryan race came into India from North-west. They had only a scriptless spoken language. At that time, the entire India had one single language, Tamil. Siddhars took up the responsibility of accommodating this new race by creating a new language using Tamil and the Aryan's script-less spoken language. That ... Read more

Aryan Leadership

The Leaders of North Aryan's Sanaadhana Religion can never be the Leaders of the Tamils' True Indhu Religion.
The Leaders of North Aryan's Sanaadhana Religion can never be the Leaders of the Tamils' True Indhu Religion. The True Indhu Religion was largely affected adversely only when the Sanskritised North Aryans were given that status. This situation has to be changed immediately in order to bring out the Tamils' True Indhu Religion. ... Read more


Siddharism The Siddharism or Induism is now well-known as Saivism or Saiva Siddhantha. This is the mother liquor of all the sciences and arts, philosophies and theologies. And the practices of this religion have the miraculous power of pacifying and pleasing all human urges, longings, expectations and most of the disappointments. This is the only religion which assures that each and every man can become god. It preaches its philosophy, teaches its theology and gives training in its dogmas and doctrines for the uplift of a man to be a God. The Siddharism gives emphasis to the principle that the individual alone is responsible for his own uplift and promotion in the Divine Field. The Siddharism clearly states that one ... Read more