Language Policy of Indhus in India

Language Policy written while publishing the second edition of IMI Manifesto considering the situation in India as a nation. ".. .. .. His Holiness the Tenth Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi Guru Mahaa Sannidhaanam Gnaalaguru Siddhar Amaravathi Atrangarai Karuwooraar (100 BCE to 150 CE) is the first to mention in His writings about the North Aryans who were foreigners to India; He also mentioned about the Pseudo Hinduism formed by these North Aryans on the basis of their Vedic Religion. Further He also mentioned clearly about the development of a new language named as Samskrut (Samakirutha or Sanskrit); this Samskrut language was developed by the Tamil-speaking Siddhars on the basis of the Tamil Language to give script ... Read more

Introduction to Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar

Introduction to His Holiness the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi The Uprise of Indhu Religion is the India's Empowerment! India's Empowerment is the True welfare of the mankind! The True Indhuism is the Siddha Philosophy or the Saivism of Tamils. This True Indhuism is existing only in the Divine Tamil Language. This True Indhuism is the mother of all the religions of this world. This True Indhuism is the mother, base, treasure-house and nursery bed of the religious field itself. If the truths about this True Indhuism are understood first by the Tamils and then the entire India then all the conflicts, fights, dominations, confusions, unrest, ... will go away from the entire world. For this purpose only, the ... Read more

Ten Commandments of Induism

Ten Commandments of Induism All the World Divinators! Unite! Work in co-ordination with each other! All the World Religious Heads and Leaders! Unite! Work in co-ordination with each other! All the World Religious Persons! Unite! Work in co-ordination with each other! All the World Pious Persons! Theists! Read and Respect the Religious History and Religious Literature. All the World Priests! Study your respective Religious Gospels thoroughly to become a source of Divinity yourselves. All the World Theologians! Make the Temples and Places of Worships filled with Purity, Truth and Divinity. The Unity and Co-ordination amongst all the World Religious People can alone correct all the religious enemies, cheaters, betrayers ... Read more