Indhuism is Siddharism only

Indhuism is nothing but the Siddharism! The Siddha Philosophy has been living with the name Indhu Religion in the entire India. That is why our efforts have been expanded to the entire sub-continent through the formation of Indhu Renaissance Movement. That is why we allow revolutionarily people from all races, languages and states of India to join the Indhu Renaissance Movement. Whoever joins with us would soon learn by experience the divine nature of Tamil Language alongwith its divine power, beauty, life-force, virginity and supremacy. There are plenty of facilities and chances in our practices to learn the divine nature of Tamil language. So, whoever comes along with us would believe and accept the great fact that ... Read more

Language Policy of Indhus in India

Language Policy written while publishing the second edition of IMI Manifesto considering the situation in India as a nation. ".. .. .. His Holiness the Tenth Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi Guru Mahaa Sannidhaanam Gnaalaguru Siddhar Amaravathi Atrangarai Karuwooraar (100 BCE to 150 CE) is the first to mention in His writings about the North Aryans who were foreigners to India; He also mentioned about the Pseudo Hinduism formed by these North Aryans on the basis of their Vedic Religion. Further He also mentioned clearly about the development of a new language named as Samskrut (Samakirutha or Sanskrit); this Samskrut language was developed by the Tamil-speaking Siddhars on the basis of the Tamil Language to give script ... Read more

Caste system in India

Siddha Philosophy and Casteism 1) Siddharism is considered to be the base for the present day Indhu Religion. So, we have to find out what the Indhu Religion tells about this casteism. Then only we have to prove whether this casteism belongs to the Sanskritised Pseudo Hinduism or the True Indhuism founded by the Pathinensiddhars. Note: This Pseudo Hinduism is actually a foreign religion to India, It was brought in by the North Aryans who followed Varnasrama Dharma or Sanatan Dharma. Its history and life-style are only in Sanskrit Language. On the otherhand, the True Indhuism was founded around 43,73,121 (as of 2021 CE) years back for the purpose of evolving the top-level beings of this earth (Maneesar) to the human ... Read more

Introduction to Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar

Introduction to His Holiness the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi The Uprise of Indhu Religion is the India's Empowerment! India's Empowerment is the True welfare of the mankind! The True Indhuism is the Siddha Philosophy or the Saivism of Tamils. This True Indhuism is existing only in the Divine Tamil Language. This True Indhuism is the mother of all the religions of this world. This True Indhuism is the mother, base, treasure-house and nursery bed of the religious field itself. If the truths about this True Indhuism are understood first by the Tamils and then the entire India then all the conflicts, fights, dominations, confusions, unrest, ... will go away from the entire world. For this purpose only, the ... Read more

Indhuism is NOT a Religion!

The Induism is not a religion. It is a Social Philosophy or Principle. It is for the welfare of all the human beings on this earth. The Siddhars are the protectors of the Human Welfare and Rights. The Induism is also known as Siddharism, the Siddha Principle, Saivism or simply Humanism. The Siddha Philosophy will uplift all flora and fauna i.e. all the plant life, animal life and the human life. It does this by purifying and rectifying them both internally and externally. The Siddha Philosophy has the power and capability to soften and refine the animal instincts & feelings in human beings; thereby this Siddha Philosophy shapes, strengthens and brightens the individual life, family life, social life and political ... Read more

Indhu Religion

The Indu Religion is not just a History!
The Indu Religion is not just a History! It contains not just Puranas and Idhikaasas stories alone. It is not made up of Miracle-performers! It is not just having Mantras and magics. It is not founded on the beliefs and fears about Heaven and Hell. It is not based on blind faiths, imaginations and meaningless procedures in non-understandable language. It is not based upon a single Divinator nor on a single text book as its bible. It does not live praising and worshipping a single God or Temple. ... Read more

Divine Services Forum

Indhu Renaissance Movement A Cultural Organization Founded: 1772 AD The Aims of Divine Services Forum The social philosophy founded by the Pathinen Siddhars is the Siddharism and known as Indhu Religion. The main purpose is to remove, by giving training, the wild imaginations, blind faiths, follies.... that have come into this Indhu Religion. The Siddharism is the Mother of all the Religions in this World. So, another main purpose is to teach everyone the really practical worshipping methods through one's own religion. To cultivate and grow holistic feelings in order to have peaceful, contentful, loving family life. To create Equality, Brotherhood, Communalistic Society and To develop World Religious Unification. To ... Read more

Indhu Renaissance Movement

A brief introduction This short article gives a brief introduction on Indhu Renaissance Movement (I.M.I.) Two centuries back in 1772 AD, Siddhar Eelanampattiyaar (a hereditary Siddhar in the family line of Siddhar Karu Ooraar) formed the Indhu Renaissance Movement. He formed it in order to inform the entire world that the Siddharism did not take birth with a narrow intention of developing the Tamils and their India alone. On the contrary, the Siddharism is for the benefit of the entire humanity. He used the word 'Indhu' instead of “Indhu Religion”. He explained and established the reason for this very clearly both in theory and practice. He worked very hard to convert the achievements of Siddhars as a Social ... Read more