Revolution in India

MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN THE AIMS OF THE REVOLUTION AND AFTER REVOLUTION In the last few months (between 1991 and 1992), we have heard a lot about the IMF loan and the conditions imposed by them. There are a lot of people who tend to treat this matter very lightly. The well-being and independence of the people are being compromised and reduced. The conditions of the IMF loan include privatization of various industries including the essential services like railways. Once the Government starts selling off the Public Sector and other essential services to a group of capitalists, the consequences of such an action will be very apparent and disastrous to the sovereignty of the Indian people. The policies of America regarding the ... Read more

One or Two or Three Language Policy?!

One Language Policy or Two Language Policy or Three Language Policy?!?! In the today's world of education the educators and the rulers discuss about two language policy or three language policy for educating the children of their nation. To enhance the thinking of such intellectuals we would like to give some information from the writings of His Holiness Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar, the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi. The following paragraphs are translated from the Letter written in Tamil to Thiru ABT Mahalingam on 3rd April 1985 by the disciple of His Holiness Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar. The full letter-essay is not given here. Para 5 ..... ..... ...... Pathinensiddhars have given in writing 48 types of ... Read more

Power of Gods

On Gods, the Power of Gods and Language of God i) One God Theory is man's wrong imagination. It happens to be a strange desire of man that there should be only one God. In general, the thinking man desires to hand over his responsibilities to some unknown and unseen and imaginary person. Thereby he tries to avoid further thinking. Even if proved otherwise, man wants to hold on to his single imaginary god. So far, there has not been a rationalistic thinking and research effort in understanding about god. ii) The greatest mistake is imagining and believing that 'God knows all languages; God is beyond language and prayer offered in any language will be heard by God'. "Man becomes God; Gods are the ancestors of the living ... Read more