IMI Policy on English Language

The English-speaking British ruled the entire Indian sub-continent under one umbrella. They provided a proper education to Indians through their English language in various fields such as Medicine, Engineering, History, Philosophy, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, etc. by starting Educational Institutions in India. This English education alone united the entire India and gave a feeling of oneness to all Indians otherwise called as Indhus. This education alone developed the patriotic feeling among Indians. So, English alone could be the administrative language of India if one wants Indian sub-continent as a single country in the Atlas map of the World. English language alone cultivated and nurtured the ... Read more

One or Two or Three Language Policy?!

One Language Policy or Two Language Policy or Three Language Policy?!?! In the today's world of education the educators and the rulers discuss about two language policy or three language policy for educating the children of their nation. To enhance the thinking of such intellectuals we would like to give some information from the writings of His Holiness Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar, the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi. The following paragraphs are translated from the Letter written in Tamil to Thiru ABT Mahalingam on 3rd April 1985 by the disciple of His Holiness Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar. The full letter-essay is not given here. Para 5 ..... ..... ...... Pathinensiddhars have given in writing 48 types of ... Read more