Living Indhuism and Lifeless Hinduism

(excerpts from Gurudevar's letter to a Madurai Disciple on 10th December 1991) "... ... You are living as a True Indhu and working hard like a great Warrior to establish Great Hindu religious kingdom in India. Your enthusiasm and energy should not get wasted ; For that, in the present condition, you need to clearly know a few facts about the Hindu religion. Hence, I am expanding on this further. His Holiness the 10th Pathinensiddhar Peedam lived between the First Century Before Christ and 150 CE. He had established clearly in His Written works as well as in the Practical spheres of life that the foreigners who came to this country formed the Hindu religion on the basis of North Aryans' Veda Religion namely Sanathana ... Read more

Kuruvaasagam - Translation

Author: His Holiness Siddhar Kaaviri Aatrangarai Karuwooraar, the 11th Pathinensiddhar Peedam. (in Palm Leaves manuscript form) Given by: His Holiness Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar, the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedam. (Written in Paper last century) Pathinensiddhars say "Man thinks the God is his boss. Such imagination is unnecessary." Man thinks that God gives curse to mankind and because of that only sinners and virtuous take birth. Such imagination is unnecessary according to Pathinensiddhars. Man thinks that creation of mankind is only for serving the orders of the God. For that sake, man spends his entire life in serving God by leading an artificial life forgetting his own pleasures and pains. Such imagination is ... Read more

Indhuism is Siddharism only

Indhuism is nothing but the Siddharism! The Siddha Philosophy has been living with the name Indhu Religion in the entire India. That is why our efforts have been expanded to the entire sub-continent through the formation of Indhu Renaissance Movement. That is why we allow revolutionarily people from all races, languages and states of India to join the Indhu Renaissance Movement. Whoever joins with us would soon learn by experience the divine nature of Tamil Language alongwith its divine power, beauty, life-force, virginity and supremacy. There are plenty of facilities and chances in our practices to learn the divine nature of Tamil language. So, whoever comes along with us would believe and accept the great fact that ... Read more

Induism Hinduism Explanations

The Indhu Renaissance Movement has been working for the last two centuries explaining with examples the differences between the Indhuism and Hinduism. It had given crores of hand-outs (Notices) to the Tamils to this effect. Yet the Tamils as well as the Indians did not understand at all that there exists a True Induism fully dominated by the Pseudo Hinduism. Still the divinators trained by His Holiness the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedam are working tirelessly to make people understand clearly the True Induism in theory as well as in practice. One such point is explained in this short essay. The Pathinensiddhars founded the Forty-eight (48) types of Temples on this earth. And they defined clearly in which type of temples ... Read more

Siddhar Ramayanam

(Compiled from the divine speeches of His Holiness Gnaanaachaariyaar, the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedam.) Indhu Religion has been beautified and explained by the two major epics namely Raamaayanam and Mahabharatham. But the modern day literature on these two epics can be rendered useful only by the actual historical notes maintained by the heirs of the Pathinensiddhars, Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathis and the 48 types of Siddhars. The entire Indian sub-continent is learning about the Raamaayanam through the works of Thulasidasar, Bothaayanar, Vaathanaaraayanar, Kambar, Pulavar Kuzhanthai, etc. And these works were all based on the Vaalmiki Raamaayanam only. All these Raamaayanam compilations have got a style based on ... Read more

Language Policy of Indhus in India

Language Policy written while publishing the second edition of IMI Manifesto considering the situation in India as a nation. ".. .. .. His Holiness the Tenth Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi Guru Mahaa Sannidhaanam Gnaalaguru Siddhar Amaravathi Atrangarai Karuwooraar (100 BCE to 150 CE) is the first to mention in His writings about the North Aryans who were foreigners to India; He also mentioned about the Pseudo Hinduism formed by these North Aryans on the basis of their Vedic Religion. Further He also mentioned clearly about the development of a new language named as Samskrut (Samakirutha or Sanskrit); this Samskrut language was developed by the Tamil-speaking Siddhars on the basis of the Tamil Language to give script ... Read more

On Rebirth Theory of Indhuism

உறங்குவது போலும் சாக்காடு; உறங்கி விழிப்பது போலும் பிறப்பு.
His Holiness the 11th Pathinensiddhar Peedam, Guru mahaa Sannidhaanam Siddhar Kaaviriyaatrangkarai Karuwooraar (The Siddhar who built the Thanjavur Big Temple) has written the following in His book “Guru Paarampariyam”: “... The rich, powerful, famous ones, kings, ministers, physically strong people, people of high-caste, ... of this divine country India should atleast for a second remember and give thought to the ‘re-birth theory’ central to the Siddha Philosophy alias Indhuism. Then only they would think deeply about getting a re-birth for them in this country as poor, destitutes, slaves, wanderers, ordinary citizens, permanently sick, etc. When the ruling class start thinking about this, they would ... Read more

IMI Policy on English Language

The English-speaking British ruled the entire Indian sub-continent under one umbrella. They provided a proper education to Indians through their English language in various fields such as Medicine, Engineering, History, Philosophy, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, etc. by starting Educational Institutions in India. This English education alone united the entire India and gave a feeling of oneness to all Indians otherwise called as Indhus. This education alone developed the patriotic feeling among Indians. So, English alone could be the administrative language of India if one wants Indian sub-continent as a single country in the Atlas map of the World. English language alone cultivated and nurtured the ... Read more

Indhuism is the Religion of India

Indhuism can alone be the Religion of Indian Government During the Indian Independence the politicians who worked for Independence were mostly egoistic, power-mongering, position-mongering, self-aggrandising, slaves to foreign culture, ignorant of the fineness of India's culture, desiring to achieve indpendence through any means, etc. Because of these bad qualities, they failed to declare after Independence that India's religion is Indhuism. Those politicians could not understand that ‘Indhuism alone could create a national feeling among Indians’, ‘India will be protected only by accepting and protecting the Indhu religious literature and ceremonies’, ‘Indhu religious feeling alone can safeguard the unity, ... Read more