Indhuism is Siddharism only

Indhuism is nothing but the Siddharism! The Siddha Philosophy has been living with the name Indhu Religion in the entire India. That is why our efforts have been expanded to the entire sub-continent through the formation of Indhu Renaissance Movement. That is why we allow revolutionarily people from all races, languages and states of India to join the Indhu Renaissance Movement. Whoever joins with us would soon learn by experience the divine nature of Tamil Language alongwith its divine power, beauty, life-force, virginity and supremacy. There are plenty of facilities and chances in our practices to learn the divine nature of Tamil language. So, whoever comes along with us would believe and accept the great fact that ... Read more

Deepavali - Meaning and Significance

Meaning and Significance of Deepavali Thee + Aavali => Theevaali => Theepa + Aavali => Theepaavali => Deepavali. Firstly, this earth is not a lonely inhabitated planet in the cosmic space. In fact, this earth is the newest of all the inhabited planets in the universe. After this earth got separated from the Sun, the earth slowly cooled down to the climatic conditions that could sustain growth of organisms. During this period, the pioneers came to this earth from other planets in the Universe. There were precisely 18 such pioneers who came to this earth and hence they were known as Pathinen Siddhars (18 Siddhars or 18 Masters.) These 18 Siddhars came to this earth alongwith their inter-cosmic assitants ... Read more

Divine Language

No link between the True Indhu Religion and the Sanskrit Language.
The Mother tongue of the Pathinen Siddhars is the Tamil Language. This Tamil Language is the ruling language of the True Indhu Religion! Tamil is the Divine Language! Tamil is the Prayer Language that can give salvation to all. And there is no link between the True Indhu Religion and the Sanskrit Language. Sanskrit was created out of the script-less spoken language of North Aryans using Tamil as the base. ... Read more

Indhu Religion

The Indu Religion is not just a History!
The Indu Religion is not just a History! It contains not just Puranas and Idhikaasas stories alone. It is not made up of Miracle-performers! It is not just having Mantras and magics. It is not founded on the beliefs and fears about Heaven and Hell. It is not based on blind faiths, imaginations and meaningless procedures in non-understandable language. It is not based upon a single Divinator nor on a single text book as its bible. It does not live praising and worshipping a single God or Temple. ... Read more