Indhuism is Siddharism only

Indhuism is nothing but the Siddharism! The Siddha Philosophy has been living with the name Indhu Religion in the entire India. That is why our efforts have been expanded to the entire sub-continent through the formation of Indhu Renaissance Movement. That is why we allow revolutionarily people from all races, languages and states of India to join the Indhu Renaissance Movement. Whoever joins with us would soon learn by experience the divine nature of Tamil Language alongwith its divine power, beauty, life-force, virginity and supremacy. There are plenty of facilities and chances in our practices to learn the divine nature of Tamil language. So, whoever comes along with us would believe and accept the great fact that ... Read more

Who are Siddhars?

Who are Siddhars? - Taken from the Essay “Siddhars and their Related Temples” Pathinen Siddhars are living in 108 'Thirupathi Andams', 243 'Satthi Andams' and 1008 'Siva Andams' in the vast Celestial Space. These Pathinen Siddhars came to this earth when it was in stone form but without soil. They are known on this earth as 'Mula Pathinen Siddhars'. The details about these 'Mula Pathinen Siddhars' are maintained as Secrets. Apart from them, there are 'Anaathi Pathinen Siddhars', 'Aathi Pathinen Siddhars', 'Paathi Pathinen Siddhars', 'Meethi Pathinen Siddhars', 'Pathinen Siddhars of 1st Yugam', 'Pathinen Siddhars of 2nd Yugam', 'Pathinen Siddhars of 3rd Yugam', 'Pathinen Siddhars of 4th Yugam'. These lists exist in ... Read more

History of Siddhars and IMI - Part 3

[continuation of the previous post] In order to avoid becoming voluminous, a very short account of these Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathis is given in this essay. Of the 11 pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathis who have come and worked on this earth, the last two have done significant works. They are as under: a) His Holiness 10th Pathinensiddhar Peedam, Gurumahaa sannidhaanam Siddhar Amaraavathi aatrangarai Karu Ooraar. (100 BCE - 150 CE) b) His Holiness 11th Pathinensiddhar Peedam, Gurumahaa sannidhaanam, Siddhar Kaaviri Aatrangarai Karu Ooraar (785 CE - 1040 CE). He was the chief architect of the Thanjavur Big Temple. 12) Amaraavathi Aatrangarai Karu Ooraar believed in Social Revolution. He thought that thorugh Social ... Read more

History of Siddhars and IMI - Part 1

1) The Siddha Philosophy is the Divine Science contributed by the Eighteen Siddhars (Pathinen Siddhars). The Divine Science acquired a lot of additions from various sources and became the Indhu Religion of today. So, the information about the Siddha Philosophy would introduce the Eighteen Siddhars. And this would in turn introduce the Indhu Renaissance Movement (IMI) of today. 2) Indhu Renaissance Movement (IMI) was formed in the year 1772. Even after two centuries of activities, the IMI's aims and policies did not succeed to the expected extent. This essay attempts to establish IMI with its historical background alongwith the Siddhars' Sciences and Literature. 3) The Eighteen Siddhars were from the other celestial ... Read more

History of Human Civilization

Pathinen Siddhars provide detailed information on how mankind got evolved on this planet. They also provide in their literatures the formation of this planet in the cosmic space. Pathinen Siddhars maintain three different types of Literature namely; - Guru Paarampariyam (Religious History) - Arasa Paarampariyam (Political History) - Ilakkiya Paarampariyam (History of Language and Literature) These three types of Literatures provide all the information about what happened so far on this hemisphere. Even though they are not to be given to the world at large, the 12th Pathinen Siddhar Peedaathipathi have obtained permission to reveal certain amount of information for the benefit of mankind. Formative Period: This planet ... Read more