Indhuism is Siddharism only

Indhuism is nothing but the Siddharism! The Siddha Philosophy has been living with the name Indhu Religion in the entire India. That is why our efforts have been expanded to the entire sub-continent through the formation of Indhu Renaissance Movement. That is why we allow revolutionarily people from all races, languages and states of India to join the Indhu Renaissance Movement. Whoever joins with us would soon learn by experience the divine nature of Tamil Language alongwith its divine power, beauty, life-force, virginity and supremacy. There are plenty of facilities and chances in our practices to learn the divine nature of Tamil language. So, whoever comes along with us would believe and accept the great fact that ... Read more

Language is the apple of eye for mankind

... ... The condition of our country today is very pathetic in the hands of a few ambitious, hasty, haughty, power-thirsty politicians. That too, in an unexpected situation the landscape between North Himalayas and South Kumari point became a single country by name India. This vast landscape was existing as 56 to 108 states ruled by thousands of small kings. That is why, in the twentieth century the formation of the India as a nation could not fully bring in a national feeling as Indian. This indicates that a new national feeling among people cannot be brought in so easily as forming a nation politically. Similarly, a language spoken by people of a particular region cannot be made the language of all people in India. ... Read more

Downfall of Tamils, Why?

Why Tamils alone remain downtrodden of all the races of this world? "Only among Tamils one can see a lot of people speaking other languages, multitudes of people following other religions and people of Tamilnadu living in various countries. Further, considerable number of people belonging to other countries live continuously in Tamilnadu alone. That is why, unifying the Tamils or efforts to unify the Tamils could never take place in Tamilnadu. ... Read more

Gayathri Mantra and Sanskrit

His Holiness the 12th Pathinensiddhar peedaathipathi has come forward to bring out and publish numerous prayer verses or Mantharams in Tamil. The Kaayanthiri Mantharam in Tamil can be practised by all irrespective of language, religion and race. Sanskrit language was created based on Tamil only. In order to co-exist with the Tamils in India, the foreigners namely Aryans (who came into India around 3500 years ago) wanted a language similar to Tamil. Siddhars worked hard to create a new language for these Aryans and named it Samakirutham ('Sama' means EQUAL in Tamil; 'Kirutham' means LANGUAGE in the scriptless language spoken by Aryans.). This language Samakirutham is now called as Samskrut or Sanskrit. The aryans ... Read more