Language Policy of Indhus in India

Language Policy written while publishing the second edition of IMI Manifesto considering the situation in India as a nation. ".. .. .. His Holiness the Tenth Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi Guru Mahaa Sannidhaanam Gnaalaguru Siddhar Amaravathi Atrangarai Karuwooraar (100 BCE to 150 CE) is the first to mention in His writings about the North Aryans who were foreigners to India; He also mentioned about the Pseudo Hinduism formed by these North Aryans on the basis of their Vedic Religion. Further He also mentioned clearly about the development of a new language named as Samskrut (Samakirutha or Sanskrit); this Samskrut language was developed by the Tamil-speaking Siddhars on the basis of the Tamil Language to give script ... Read more

Ten Commandments of Induism

Ten Commandments of Induism All the World Divinators! Unite! Work in co-ordination with each other! All the World Religious Heads and Leaders! Unite! Work in co-ordination with each other! All the World Religious Persons! Unite! Work in co-ordination with each other! All the World Pious Persons! Theists! Read and Respect the Religious History and Religious Literature. All the World Priests! Study your respective Religious Gospels thoroughly to become a source of Divinity yourselves. All the World Theologians! Make the Temples and Places of Worships filled with Purity, Truth and Divinity. The Unity and Co-ordination amongst all the World Religious People can alone correct all the religious enemies, cheaters, betrayers ... Read more

India's Religion is Indhuism

Explanatory Ideas by Siddhar Kaakapusundar Mr. M.Palanisamy Pillai. The 2nd hereditary Head of Indhu Renaissance Movement, the co-founder of the International Communist Party (the other founder was the rationalistic thinker Mr M.N.Roy; they founded the International Communist Party much before the Revolution in Russia; the party was founded to put Marxism into practice), one of the resource persons of the Radical Democratic Party of Indian subcontinent. Mr M.Palanisamy Pillai has written a compilation of essays as introduction and foreword to the Siddhar Ramayanam. A few thoughts from those essays are brought out here in this publication. "... Whoever rules this Indian subcontinent; whether it be Indians themselves or ... Read more

Great Facts of Indhu Religion

Indhu Religion in its simplest sense is the 'Worship of Fore-fathers'. The idols of Indhu Religion are the reflection of the Divinators who lived in the past. Many hands, heads and queer forms of Idols are symbolic representation of the capabilities of the respective Divinators. (For example, sixteen hands with different weapons informs that the Divinator had the mastery over that many weapon-based arts during his life-time.) Indhu Religion aids in acquiring the Divine Atoms and Divine power from Celestial space through the worship of numerous Temples and through plethora of worshipping procedures. Indhu Religion alone permits any individual to worship according to his or her desires. This is because everything is the ... Read more

Indhu Religion

The Indu Religion is not just a History!
The Indu Religion is not just a History! It contains not just Puranas and Idhikaasas stories alone. It is not made up of Miracle-performers! It is not just having Mantras and magics. It is not founded on the beliefs and fears about Heaven and Hell. It is not based on blind faiths, imaginations and meaningless procedures in non-understandable language. It is not based upon a single Divinator nor on a single text book as its bible. It does not live praising and worshipping a single God or Temple. ... Read more

History of Human Civilization

Pathinen Siddhars provide detailed information on how mankind got evolved on this planet. They also provide in their literatures the formation of this planet in the cosmic space. Pathinen Siddhars maintain three different types of Literature namely; - Guru Paarampariyam (Religious History) - Arasa Paarampariyam (Political History) - Ilakkiya Paarampariyam (History of Language and Literature) These three types of Literatures provide all the information about what happened so far on this hemisphere. Even though they are not to be given to the world at large, the 12th Pathinen Siddhar Peedaathipathi have obtained permission to reveal certain amount of information for the benefit of mankind. Formative Period: This planet ... Read more

Indhuism-Hinduism Differences

Differences between Induism and Hinduism. (Induism is NOT Hinduism) The list given below clearly shows the differences between the presently known Hinduism and the True Induism. Tamil's Indhu Religion versus Brahmin's Hindu Religion Induism: Born in the Lost Lemuria Continent called as 'Kumari Kandam' in Tamil. Hinduism: Created by North Aryans known as Brahmins (meaning, Foreigners to Induism's India) after they settled in today's Ganges Plains. Induism has been a living religion for the past four Yugas. Hinduism was born after 2000 years from the start of the fourth Yugam known as Kaliyan Yugam. A very recent religion. Indhuism is as old as 43,73,124 years as of 2023 CE. Hinduism is just 3000 years old. Indhuism ... Read more

Pseudo Hinduism

Induism is NOT Hinduism Origin of Hinduism: Pathinen Siddhars have given the historical facts about the origins of various religions on this earth. In their literature named as Guru Paarampariyam (The Religious History), they have mentioned about how Hinduism came into existence in India. After the 9th Pathinen Siddhar Peedaathipathi His Holiness Vaigai Aatrangarai Karuwooraar(8956 B.C - 8848 B.C) , the so-called Aryan race came into India from North-west. They had only a scriptless spoken language. At that time, the entire India had one single language, Tamil. Siddhars took up the responsibility of accommodating this new race by creating a new language using Tamil and the Aryan's script-less spoken language. That ... Read more

Adisankara was a Tamilian

Birth: Adisankaran was born in Kaladi in Chera Kingdom coming under Pandiyan Empire after 785 AD. He was born in a Tamil Sivaachaarya family. His father Sivaguru was closely related to Sirkazi Sivapadha Irudhayar Family. (Sirkazhi Sivapadha Irudhayar was the father of Thirugnaana Sambandar). His mother's name was Aryammal, which is a Tamilian name only. Adisankaran lived for 32 years. Language: He was greatly talented in his mother tongue Tamil language. Tamil was the language spoken in the Dravidian land during that period in that region, Chera Kingdom (known as Kerala today). Malayalam language took birth only a few hundred years back. In order to unify all the different religious groups and to destroy all the group ... Read more


Siddharism The Siddharism or Induism is now well-known as Saivism or Saiva Siddhantha. This is the mother liquor of all the sciences and arts, philosophies and theologies. And the practices of this religion have the miraculous power of pacifying and pleasing all human urges, longings, expectations and most of the disappointments. This is the only religion which assures that each and every man can become god. It preaches its philosophy, teaches its theology and gives training in its dogmas and doctrines for the uplift of a man to be a God. The Siddharism gives emphasis to the principle that the individual alone is responsible for his own uplift and promotion in the Divine Field. The Siddharism clearly states that one ... Read more