Why Tamils alone remain downtrodden of all the races of this world? "Only among Tamils one can see a lot of people speaking other languages, multitudes of people following other religions and people of Tamilnadu living in various countries. Further, considerable number of people belonging to other countries live continuously in Tamilnadu alone. That is why, unifying the Tamils or efforts to unify the Tamils could never take place in Tamilnadu. ... Read more
Archives: 2021
Caste system in India
Siddha Philosophy and Casteism 1) Siddharism is considered to be the base for the present day Indhu Religion. So, we have to find out what the Indhu Religion tells about this casteism. Then only we have to prove whether this casteism belongs to the Sanskritised Pseudo Hinduism or the True Indhuism founded by the Pathinensiddhars. Note: This Pseudo Hinduism is actually a foreign religion to India, It was brought in by the North Aryans who followed Varnasrama Dharma or Sanatan Dharma. Its history and life-style are only in Sanskrit Language. On the otherhand, the True Indhuism was founded around 43,73,121 (as of 2021 CE) years back for the purpose of evolving the top-level beings of this earth (Maneesar) to the human ... Read more
Who are Siddhars?
Who are Siddhars? - Taken from the Essay “Siddhars and their Related Temples” Pathinen Siddhars are living in 108 'Thirupathi Andams', 243 'Satthi Andams' and 1008 'Siva Andams' in the vast Celestial Space. These Pathinen Siddhars came to this earth when it was in stone form but without soil. They are known on this earth as 'Mula Pathinen Siddhars'. The details about these 'Mula Pathinen Siddhars' are maintained as Secrets. Apart from them, there are 'Anaathi Pathinen Siddhars', 'Aathi Pathinen Siddhars', 'Paathi Pathinen Siddhars', 'Meethi Pathinen Siddhars', 'Pathinen Siddhars of 1st Yugam', 'Pathinen Siddhars of 2nd Yugam', 'Pathinen Siddhars of 3rd Yugam', 'Pathinen Siddhars of 4th Yugam'. These lists exist in ... Read more
Revolution in India
MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN THE AIMS OF THE REVOLUTION AND AFTER REVOLUTION In the last few months (between 1991 and 1992), we have heard a lot about the IMF loan and the conditions imposed by them. There are a lot of people who tend to treat this matter very lightly. The well-being and independence of the people are being compromised and reduced. The conditions of the IMF loan include privatization of various industries including the essential services like railways. Once the Government starts selling off the Public Sector and other essential services to a group of capitalists, the consequences of such an action will be very apparent and disastrous to the sovereignty of the Indian people. The policies of America regarding the ... Read more
Tanjore Big Temple - Part 2
The Sanctum Sanctorum towered Temple for the Divine Rule His Holiness Gnaanaachaariyaar the 11th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi Siddhar Karuwooraar rejuvenated all the temples that existed between the North Himalayas and the South Kumari point within His life-time. Because of that the True Indhuism of Pathinensiddhars acquired a good active status during that time. In connection with that His Holiness made all arrangments to construct many Sanctum Sanctorum towered temples at various places in India to remain as support temples for the Thanjavur Big Temple. In order to construct these temples in the course of time, His Holiness made arrangements to train Kuru, Kurukkal, Kurumaar and Pusaari to hereditarily construct ... Read more