IMI Policy on English Language

The English-speaking British ruled the entire Indian sub-continent under one umbrella. They provided a proper education to Indians through their English language in various fields such as Medicine, Engineering, History, Philosophy, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature, etc. by starting Educational Institutions in India. This English education alone united the entire India and gave a feeling of oneness to all Indians otherwise called as Indhus. This education alone developed the patriotic feeling among Indians. So, English alone could be the administrative language of India if one wants Indian sub-continent as a single country in the Atlas map of the World. English language alone cultivated and nurtured the ... Read more

Language is the apple of eye for mankind

... ... The condition of our country today is very pathetic in the hands of a few ambitious, hasty, haughty, power-thirsty politicians. That too, in an unexpected situation the landscape between North Himalayas and South Kumari point became a single country by name India. This vast landscape was existing as 56 to 108 states ruled by thousands of small kings. That is why, in the twentieth century the formation of the India as a nation could not fully bring in a national feeling as Indian. This indicates that a new national feeling among people cannot be brought in so easily as forming a nation politically. Similarly, a language spoken by people of a particular region cannot be made the language of all people in India. ... Read more