The Indhu Renaissance Movement has been working for the last two centuries explaining with examples the differences between the Indhuism and Hinduism. It had given crores of hand-outs (Notices) to the Tamils to this effect. Yet the Tamils as well as the Indians did not understand at all that there exists a True Induism fully dominated by the Pseudo Hinduism. Still the divinators trained by His Holiness the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedam are working tirelessly to make people understand clearly the True Induism in theory as well as in practice. One such point is explained in this short essay.
The Pathinensiddhars founded the Forty-eight (48) types of Temples on this earth. And they defined clearly in which type of temples alone the altar for the Nine (9) planets could be installed. They defined this in their books of Temple Sciences written in Tamil.
According to this divine rule only certain types of temples can have the altar for the Nine Planets; the altar to be positioned in straight line make the planets face the same direction. Thus the Nine planets namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Kethu could give divine power to worshippers by standing in the same altar facing the same direction. But the Brahmins (read as foreigners to Tamils' India) broke this divine rule itself by cunningly installing the Nine planets facing different directions in different altars in all the temples according to their whims and fancies. (The Brahmins call this in Hinduism as Navagraha Peedam.)
Because of this, in the course of time, the 48 types of Temples founded by the Pathinensiddhars lost the divine source and could not give benefits to the worshipping public. When the temples of Tamils lost their divine source of power, these Brahmins entered into the temples to become the Priests or spiritual leaders. Thus when the divine power got blocked in the Tamils' temples, these Brahmins took possession of the 48 types of worshipping places of Indhuism and converted the temples to serve the Pseudo Hinduism.
After capturing the divine fortresses of Tamils' Temples, the Brahmins acquired the supremacy in the divine field by spreading their Pseudo Hinduism very quickly. Sooner, the Tamils (Indhus) started believing that the Sanskrit language of Brahmins is the divine language and got cheated fully. Further, the Tamils started accepting the obscene religious stories, lies and barbaric imaginations spread by these Brahmins in the name of Hindu religion. In addition to these, the Tamils allowed these Brahmins to conduct their prayers, ceremonies, etc in Sanskrit language and became blind totally in the religious world.
Through all these, the Brahmins managed to get sufficient number of Tamils as slaves and traitors among the Tamils to destroy the True Indhuism of Tamils.
Note: Induism is the English word that denotes the Tamils' religion Indhu Religion (in Tamil இந்து மதம்). So Induism is to be pronounced as Indhuism as per Tamil language.
//Translation of a part of the essay titled as “இந்துமத ஹிந்துமத வேற்றுமை விளக்கத் தொடர்” written by His Holiness the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedam. The Tamil essay can be read here:-