History of Siddhars and IMI - Part 6

[continuation from the previous post]

15) Two and a half centuries back Siddhar Ealanampattiyaar, the hereditary heir to Siddhar Karu Ooraar, founded the 'Indhu Renaissance Movement'. He founded IMI with the aim of declaring to the world that Siddha Philosophy was borne not for the Tamils or India alone, but it was for the entire world. He used the word 'Indhu' instead of 'Indhu Religion'. He has established the explanation for this in theory as well as in practice.

He worked hard to bring out the achievements of Siddhars and take them to the Society without any religious fanaticism. That is why, Siddhar Ealanampattiyaar did not form congregations or separate temples or Religious Institutions. Instead He sowed the seeds of Siddha Philosophy all over the world in order to create numerous divine heirs surpassing the caste, religious, race, language and country biases.

His efforts have brought due results as an orchard everywhere. His Holiness 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi has begun to work by forming in-roads in this orchard.

His Holiness the 12th Pathinensiddhar peedaathipathi who is also the Raasi Vatta Niraivudaiyaar, Gurumahaa sannidhaanam, has openly declared the Indhu Renaissance Movement as a Cultural Organization, a Divine Society, the Board of Mystics, a Universal Peace Making Movement, International Philosophical Association, a Centre of the International Theologists, ...

Through that His Holiness has come forward to serve for the cause of the welfare of the human community rights. So, nobody should attempt to colour the movement with religious, caste, language, race or country bias. This movement is an incomparably great unique movement that works hard for the sake of World Spiritual Unity.

This Movement has its core principle as the formation of a Global Society of Equality, Brotherhood and Socialistic Co-operation. This movement has a strong faith in achieving its aims and principles through Love, Peaceful approach, Divinely procedures. This faith itself will be the Law and Order for this movement for ever.

That is why His Holiness the 12th Pathinen siddhar peeedaathipathi is forming organizational infrastructure inside India and in foreign countries without any great fanfare. These are getting shaped in the name of Divinators, in the name of Arts and Sciences, in the name of Welfare activities, and so on.

When these organizational infrastructure flourish with the Executive Orderliness through the Divine Grace the Individual life, Family life, Social Life and Political Life world-wide will acquire love, affection. unity, peace, ...

At that stage all these will become a pleasurable and joyous ones in the true sense. We welcome all to reach such a stage of joyous, pleasurable society at the earliest. That is, we welcome all to work towards World human welfare.

Understand this request. Make others understand it, Come and Support this cause.

- Indhu Marumalarchy Iyakkam Supporters and Like-minded persons

Translation of the Book titled "History of Siddhars and Indhu Renaissance Movement." Author: Gnaalaguru Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar, the 12th Pathinen Sitthar Peedam Year of Publishing: 1982

Author: editor

Editor of the Indhuism.org Publication.