Power of Gods

On Gods, the Power of Gods and Language of God i) One God Theory is man's wrong imagination. It happens to be a strange desire of man that there should be only one God. In general, the thinking man desires to hand over his responsibilities to some unknown and unseen and imaginary person. Thereby he tries to avoid further thinking. Even if proved otherwise, man wants to hold on to his single imaginary god. So far, there has not been a rationalistic thinking and research effort in understanding about god. ii) The greatest mistake is imagining and believing that 'God knows all languages; God is beyond language and prayer offered in any language will be heard by God'. "Man becomes God; Gods are the ancestors of the living ... Read more

Ilingam Meaning

'Ilingam' is a Tamil word. It is not 'Lingam' as popularly but, out of ignorance, wrongly pronounced. This word 'Ilingam' is as old as 50 lakhs of years. It means an Atom of The Soul. Ilingam means 'atom of Life' or 'Light' or 'Sound' in Tamil. This true and rational meaning this Tamil word has been spoilt by pronouncing this word as 'Lingam' in Sanskritised Hinduism, wrongly equating it to the Symbol of Male Sexual organ. ... Read more

Utility of Divinity

Use of Divinity in Everyday Life Why Divinity? During 20th and 21st Centuries, mankind has discovered many utilities like Electricity, Magnetism, Petroleum, ... and invented many many equipment for Transportation, Communication, Information Management, Physical Pleasures, ... etc. All these satisfy the requirements of the mankind to provide external facilities and improvements in life. But, none of these answer the questions like 'What happens to any living being after death?', 'How can man understand the undecipherable mysteries of his life?', 'Are the relationships of human life everlasting?', 'Why are there unsolvable difficulties in human life?', ..... These can be answered only by Divinity or Mysticism. What is ... Read more