Religion versus Science - Part 2

A few questions from Science and the answers given by Religion to those questions are given below: Q1: Science: "Religion talks only about things that are not visible at all." A1: Religion: "Electricity and magnetism are not also visible." Q2: Science: "The benefits of electricity and magnetic forces are experienced and understood by people." A2: Religion: "The divine forces explained by religion are also experienced by people." Q3: Science: "Why all could not experience the forces of religion?". A3: Religion: "One end of a metal rod kept on fire becomes hot on the other end. But wood does not become hot like metal. Similary a few among the human beings could sense the divine forces; while others could not." ... Read more

Religion versus Science - Part 1

Religion is the one that gives the feelings of peace, satisfaction, contentment, enjoyment and happiness to the human mind. Whereas the Science gives enjoyment, happiness, satisfaction and peacefulness to the human body. Without religion human beings cannot even live. But without science human beings can survive. All the pleasures created by science can alone not give peace or satisfaction or happiness to man. When a person lies down in a cozy bed inside an air-conditioned room he cannot get sleep if the mind is not at peace. He would be tortured by fears as if he was trying to sleep in jungle full of stones and thorns. But at the same time, a person having peace of mind can sleep happily even if he lies down in an ... Read more